Wednesday, December 8, 2010

School: Let's Take Longer Breaks!

The administrators of Princess Margaret Secondary School, along with the superintendent of School District 67 have recently made the decision to make breaks in between classes and lunch, even longer! After much discussion and convincing, superintendent Ms. Wendy Hyer, gave this new plan a green light. Students here at Maggie are being the told that the decision was made because Mr. Macintyre and Mr. Grady felt that students needed more time to mill about and socialize. They also said that students need a lot more time to eat lunch. This includes walking or driving to a nearby fast-food restaurant or other assorted eateries, then going back to the school and again having time to socialize and finish eating. But don't worry if the bell rings because the lengthened breaks mean you'll have plenty of extra time to relax in the common area and still be late for class. All the students at Maggie fully support this plan and the consensus of the student body believe more even more down time at school will be a good change. 

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