Friday, September 10, 2010

My Superpower

Picking a superpower is extremely hard to do. So many superpowers have been invented and reused that being unique is difficult and it seems that any superpower I would pick has been drafted into some sort of superhero tale. So in my quest to choose the perfect super power for me, I tried to find the most interesting and seldom used power that fits me.
If I could have any superpower I would be able to alter and reconfigure genetic and molecular matter. This would mean I could modify someone else's or even my own DNA coding or molecular makeup. I could make my self physically stalwart or heal injuries faster. This would also be a tremendous power because I could find cures for diseases like cancer and aids by reconstructing the immune system to battle them. My power would be a great deal superior to other powers because it has so many countless uses. Other powers like tele-porting or mind control only have one or two concrete uses. If I wanted to go places swiftly for free I could make my legs stronger and my body lighter so I could scamper across water. If wanted someone to do something for me I could transform the structure of their brain to make them think I governed them.
Having this kind of power would be an immense responsibility and in the wrong hands could be disastrous. But in the right hands, such as mine, this power could save countless lives and make me an epic hero.